Epigenetic Hair Analysis


What Is Epigenetics?

A branch of genetics known as epigenetics studies the way in which genes are activated and deactivated during our life through cellular signaling. DNA was once considered a closed and stable system of static information storage, connected to our own genetic code (known as genotype). However, it has been discovered that a second dynamic genetic code influences the static codes based on DNA. This is known as Epi-Genetics (Epi meaning above genetics). Epigenetic information reflects the interactions of the genome with its environment or what is called phenotype.

Epigenetic “mapping” is a digital scanning process involving the measurement of frequencies emitted from four hair follicles. This process captures over 800 underlying indicators which can provide a clue to understanding the body’s biological stressors. The technology is based on a preventive perspective rather than a curative expression. For instance, various demands for nutrients or depletion of nutrients act as indicators for gut stress, cardiovascular stress or immune deficiency long before there is an expression of a symptom.

This digital process, unlike with genetic testing, does not create reproducible indicators, as by definition, it reflects the changing epigenetic environment at the quantum biological level. While the tool qualifies as a general wellness product under the US FDA Center for Devices, it is not an FDA approved device, it is not diagnostic in nature.

What is the Process?

We take 4-5 roots from the back of your head and scan them on Tesla Coils. We then send in your report and in approximately 15 minutes we have your results.