Medical Weight Loss

Spring is Coming

*For a Limited Time

Complimentary Slim Drip and 8 MIC+ Injections with 12-15 week plans ($300 Value)

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide

One of the key benefits of using semaglutide or tirzepatide for weight loss is its ability to suppress appetite and reduces “food noise”.. By affecting the areas of the brain responsible for hunger control, semaglutide and tirzepatide can help individuals feel fuller for longer periods, reducing the urge to overeat and contribute to weight gain. Its mechanism of action is similar to that of a hormone called GLP-1, which signals the body to produce insulin and reduce the appetite.
Another advantage of semaglutide and tirzepatide is its positive impact on metabolic health. It has been shown to reduce insulin resistance and improve blood sugar control, making it beneficial for individuals with underlying conditions like prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. By addressing these metabolic issues, semaglutide and tirzepatide can support long-term weight management.


If you've been struggling with weight loss and are interested in exploring the benefits of semaglutide, we encourage you to book a consultation at Infuse Zen Med Spa. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping you achieve lasting weight loss results while prioritizing your overall health and well-being. Together, we can create a personalized plan that meets your unique needs and paves the way for a happier YOU!

Semaglutide Plans

$299- 6 Week Jumpstart- Includes 2 weeks @0.25mg and 4 weeks @0.50mg

$399-4-5 Week Continuation- Includes 5wks@ 1mg or 4wks@ 1.25mg

$499 4-5 Week Continuation- Includes 5wks@ 2mg or 4wks@2.5mg

$1097-15 Week Plan- Includes 2 wks@0.25mg, 4 wks@ 0.50mg, 5wks@ 1mg and 4 wks @1.25mg

*For a limited time 15 wk plan includes a complimentary Slim Drip IV ($139 Value) AND 8 MIC+ injections ($200 Value)

Tirzepatide Plans

$449- 6 Week Jumpstart- Includes 4 weeks@ 2.5mg and 2 weeks @5.0mg (Total 20mg)

$599- 6 Week Continuation- Includes 2 wks@5.0mg and 4 wks @7.5mg (Total 40mg)

$749-4-6 Week Continuation- Includes 6wks@ 10mg or 5wks@ 12.5mg or 4 weeks at 15mg (Total 60mg)

$1048-12 Week Plan- Includes 4 wks@2.5mg, 4 wks@ 5.0mg, 4wks@ 7.5mg

*For a limited time 12 wk plan includes a complimentary Slim Drip IV ($139 Value) AND 8 MIC+ injections ($200 Value)

All of our plans include a 30 minute consult with a Nurse Practitioner who will go over a lifestyle plan that is specifically customized for you!

You will have the option of taking your medication home after being taught how to self inject, or coming into the office for your weekly injection